Such People

“My Mother on an Evening in Late Summer” by Mark Strand

Poems read aloud, beautifully

Kyung Kim

Far over the misty mountains

The Fair Fields

Only rarely did the outside world intrude on an idyllic Connecticut childhood, but in the tumultuous 1960s, that intrusion included an encounter with evil

Just Yesterday

“The Frog Prince” by Stevie Smith

Poems read aloud, beautifully

The Epic Viking Saga of the Everyday

Eleanor Barraclough on the ordinary people of Norse history

All Talk

Ease of communication will not save us

Superbloom: How Technologies of Connection Tear Us Apart by Nicholas Carr


“The White Heart of God” by Jack Gilbert

Poems read aloud, beautifully

Part of the Parade

In Reprise: Next Line, Please

A new poetry prompt for players new and old

Reborn in the City of Light

At a time when Paris was an incubator of modernism, a group of bold American women arrived to make art out of their lives

The March Down Main

“Three Things Enchanted Him …” by Anna Akhmatova

Poems read aloud, beautifully

Sienna Martz

Sculpting the detritus of fast fashion

The Writing on the Wall

Augustine Sedgewick on his discovery of Henry David Thoreau’s connection to slavery

Thoreau’s Pencils

How might a newly discovered
connection to slavery change
our understanding of an abolitionist
hero and his writing?

As I Walked Out One Morning


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