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How to Write a Memoir

Be yourself, speak freely, and think small

Leaving Race Behind

Our growing Hispanic population creates a golden opportunity

On the Outside Looking In

Paris and its banlieues in November 2005

Onward, Christian Liberals

Christianity's long tradition of social injustice

What Jesus Did

Forget about Christ as secular sage, historical figure, or even as Christian

Two Strangers, Three Stories

All the lonely people and where they come from

Shouldn’t There Be a Word … ?

The holes in our language and the never-ending search for words to fill them


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Book essay

Why Read George Eliot?

Her novels are just modern enough—and just old-fashioned enough, too

book reviews

Trouble and Glory

How Martin Luther King became the defining figure of his era

Strong Enough for Solitude

A religious order's milennium of self-denial

Sight Unseen

When we look and when we avert our eyes

Foreign Aid Failures

What works and what doesn't work