Our Fate Is in the Stars
Today’s space program still does amazing things, but nothing like Apollo. It’s time to begin again.
By George Musser
Our Fate Is in the Stars
Today’s space program still does amazing things, but nothing like Apollo. It’s time to begin again.
By George Musser
The NASA You Never Hear About
No, the agency did not invent Tang or Velcro, but its discoveries have many applications in our day-to-day lives
By Isabelle Taft
Crossing the Wine-Dark Sea
In search of the places that inspired the Iliad—and the traces of upheaval, conflict, and migration that led to its creation
By Caroline Alexander
Sex Workers of the World United
Last year’s SESTA/FOSTA legislation aimed to limit sex trafficking—but it’s just the latest in a long line of policies designed to criminalize the oldest profession
By Scott W. Stern
Aaron Burr in Exile
Surviving against all odds, his journal tells the story of one of the most maligned figures in American history
By Penelope Rowlands
The End of Driving
Yes, autonomous autos will make roads safer and more efficient, but what wonders will be lost?
By Steve Lagerfeld
The NASA You Never Hear About
No, the agency did not invent Tang or Velcro, but its discoveries have many applications in our day-to-day lives
By Isabelle Taft
Crossing the Wine-Dark Sea
In search of the places that inspired the Iliad—and the traces of upheaval, conflict, and migration that led to its creation
By Caroline Alexander
Sex Workers of the World United
Last year’s SESTA/FOSTA legislation aimed to limit sex trafficking—but it’s just the latest in a long line of policies designed to criminalize the oldest profession
By Scott W. Stern
Aaron Burr in Exile
Surviving against all odds, his journal tells the story of one of the most maligned figures in American history
By Penelope Rowlands
The End of Driving
Yes, autonomous autos will make roads safer and more efficient, but what wonders will be lost?
By Steve Lagerfeld
editor's note
tuning up
commonplace book
Book essay
Finding Your Voice
How one writer discovered his when he stopped looking for it and learned instead to listen
By Larry Woiwode
book reviews
Bonanza of Greed
Myths and lies will, if we let them, spell the end of the public domain