Bringing In the Horse

Virgil’s account of the sacking of Troy has similarities to the political situation of our day

When the Well Runs Dry

Searching for clean water in California

Stress Test for Free Speech

Social media are destroying the democratic culture that the First Amendment is meant to protect

A Stinging Decline

Four questions about the future of bees

The Loyal Opposition

A timely new biography of an avatar of courage and bipartisanship

The Improbable Wendell Willkie by David Levering Lewis

A Poet in Purgatory

An inside look at a literary marriage that ended in disaster

The Letters of Sylvia Plath, Volume 2: 1956–1963 edited by Peter K. Steinberg and Karen V. Kukil

Neighborhood Watch

Using Big Data to get out of the bubble

Finding Time

Geochronologists establish precise dates for events that occurred eons ago

Citizenship Prep

Expanding refugee access to online resources

Dangerous Ground

When confronting matters of race, some boundaries are more easily breached than others

The Runaway Question

How people fleeing bondage helped transform the nation

The War Before the Warby Andrew Delbanco

Present Tense

Even in this interminable drugstore line, my daughter’s last summer before college is slipping by far too quickly

The House for the Soul

Investigating the rhythmic beat at the center of our lives

Heart: A History by Sandeep JauharTicker: The Quest to Create an Artificial Heart by Mimi Swartz

The Grape Escape

Oenophilic discoveries near the Sea of Galilee

I Live for the Night

How to lose your drums and get them back

My Family’s Siberian Exile

A writer pieces together the forgotten history of life in Stalin’s special settlements

Lives of the Artists

The vistas and losses of two great English painters

Elegy Landscapes: Constable and Turner and the Intimate Sublimeby Stanley Plumly

Burma: The Lady and the Monk

Her Too

A daughter calculates the cost of her mother’s electrical career

Autumn 2018


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