Barbarian Virtues

When Americans first yearned to transform themselves and save the world

Rebirth of a Nation: The Making of Modern America, 1877-1920 By Jackson Lears

Jungle Bungle

As a rubber baron, Henry Ford was no Firestone

Fordlandia: The Rise and Fall of Henry Ford's Forgotten Jungle City By Greg Grandin

Gross Anatomy

A physician’s inside stories about the human body

Carrying the Heart: Exploring the Worlds Within Us By F. González-Crussi

The Lost Village

A Palestinian poet remembers the people and places he has lived without

My Happiness Bears No Relation to Happiness: A Poet's Life in the Palestinian Century By Adina Hoffman

Pilgrim of Eternity

The loves and legends of Lord Byron

Byron in Love: A Short Daring Life By Edna O'Brien

Remembering John Updike

A critic and his decades-long correspondence with one of America’s best “freelance writers”

Saratoga Bill

He bet cautiously at the track, but elsewhere he was drawn to those with the odds stacked against them

The Terminator Comes to Wall Street

How computer modeling worsened the financial crisis and what we ought to do about it

Response to Our Winter Issue

The Peacock Problem

Does sexual selection really explain enough?

The Genial Gene: Deconstructing Darwinian Selfishness By Joan Roughgarden

Something New in the West

Kurt Beals on translating All Quiet on the Western Front

The Resistance Fighter as Philosopher

Remembering Vladimir Jankélévitch

Winter Sun

“The Vow” by Yuliya Musakovska

Poems read aloud, beautifully

Lindsey Weber

Relationships that define us

“Muse Circe Reclaims Her Lucre”

Five new prompts

In the Endless Arctic Light

A journey to the far north of Norway means confronting our changing climate

The Bears

“Faustina, or, Rock Roses” by Elizabeth Bishop

Poems read aloud, beautifully


David Levering Lewis digs into his own origin story


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