The Importance of Being Different

A travel writer’s education

Stereotypes and the City

 What to make of HBO’s attempts to diversify an iconic show?

Ripeness Is All

What may be the fate of classical music’s new superstars?

The Very Elder Statesman

Konrad Adenauer transformed West Germany, doing his best work as an octogenarian

Iris as Pupil

Before this canonical English writer published novels, she was a student of French postwar philosophy


The feelings of yearning and loss, when faced with an empty nest, can manifest in striking ways

A State of Perpetual Unease

Sartre’s essay on French anti-Semitism cast the problem in existential terms

Keeping House

Clinging to the rituals of home—even when longing to let them go

Philip Gove and “Our Word”

A lexicographer remembers the worst frigging part of the job

Beethoven Underground

One ensemble bids farewell, with another just getting started

Ordinary People, Extraordinary Times

The people of Poland step up


Footage from a war and the effects on your brain

View from the Mesa

A scientist and pacifist looks back at what Los Alamos has wrought

Kerouac at 100

He led readers to bohemian rhapsodies, then Buddhism

Putin’s Gambit

What if Russia’s motives in Ukraine are even more insidious than we think?

Wartime Echoes

Shakespeare and the news from Ukraine

The Plot to Kill de Gaulle

Fred Zinnemann’s “clock management” in The Day of the Jackal

A Ukrainian Story

Displacement is sadly nothing new for my family’s homeland

The Prophecy of an Assassination

John Frankenheimer’s prescient 1962 film, The Manchurian Candidate

A Matter of Emphasis

Not and its many permutations


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