The Source

By Clellan Coe Wednesday, September 18, 2024


The Source

By Clellan Coe Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Measure by Measure

Happy Birthday, Clara Schumann

The compositions of the eminent pianist are finally getting their due

View from Rue Saint-Georges

Building Brawn

The brain isn’t the only muscle you should train

Next Line, Please

The Best of Everything

Portrait of the Artist

Susan Goethel Campbell


Asturias Days

The Other Path

Smarty Pants Podcast

Smell Ya Later

How 19th-century Americans used their noses to fight for urban change

Measure by Measure

A Sunset in Song

Ottorino Respighi and Percy Bysshe Shelley

View from Rue Saint-Georges

City of Wonder

Venice reminds us that life is full of hope and possibility

Cover Story

Stress Test for Free Speech

Social media are destroying the democratic culture that the First Amendment is meant to protect

Read Me a Poem

“Snake” by D. H. Lawrence

Poems read aloud, beautifully

Portrait of the Artist

Jason Middlebrook

Tree rings in time



Too many people in the world isn’t the problem—people are the problem

Charles Ives at 150

The Sound of the Picturesque

Charles Ives and the Visual

Charles Ives at 150

Battle Hymns

Charles Ives and the Civil War

Asturias Days


Read Me a Poem

“The Bird of Night” by Randall Jarrell

Poems read aloud, beautifully

Charles Ives at 150

Anchoring Shards of Memory

We don’t often associate Charles Ives and Gustav Mahler, but both
composers mined the past to root themselves in an unstable present


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Book Reviews

For Want of Touch

The astonishing breadth of our passions


Up Close

Book Reviews

We Are the Borg

Is the convergence of human and machine really upon us?


Femmes Fantastiques

Mickalene Thomas and the art of remixing

Book Reviews

The Rescuer

In search of the Underground Railroad’s legendary conductor

Book Reviews

For Want of Touch

The astonishing breadth of our passions


Up Close

Book Reviews

We Are the Borg

Is the convergence of human and machine really upon us?


Femmes Fantastiques

Mickalene Thomas and the art of remixing

Book Reviews

The Rescuer

In search of the Underground Railroad’s legendary conductor